Monday, December 10, 2018

Extra Credit

AIGA Meet and Greet
AIGA Mockups
AIGA Poster Competition

AIGA Meet and Greet: sorry, I don't have a photo, and my face isn't in the main photo, but that's because I presented my Monkey Milk project last that day, and I was talking with Kevin about mine and his and then I had gone down stairs for the meet and greet, so I was there that day, I swear, even Addie should remember us talking about how we both like to make up indie band names.

AIGA Mockups. Learned how to make smart object mockups. I even made this, although I ended up using a different wall display in my final monkey milk presentation.

AIGA Poster Competition:
Had a lot of fun at this. we only had to do one, but I decided to do a three piece series. I actually had the split froyo vs cupcake idea for my Monkey Milk Project already, but I used it here in funny retro manner instead about al desserts being created equal.

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